

Our drawing office is at your service for questions on the dimensioning, drawing and design of floor gratings.


Our drawing office is at your service for questions on the dimensioning, drawing and design of floor gratings.



The grating’s component parts are load bearing bar, cross bar and edge bar.
During all planning involving pressure welded grating, you should as far as possible adapt the layout to the grating’s standard width (1000 mm) to obtain the most economical alternative.

If the grating is to be laid across several supports, it is best to choose grating in larger sizes. This gives a more beautiful pattern with fewer joints.

To prevent incorrect placement of the load bearing rod (the grating’s bearing structure), avoid grating with square dimensions.

Mesh widths

We have a wide range of different mesh sizes for grating. For the mesh width, these sizes are specified c/c. The first dimension is always c/c load bearing bar and the second dimension is always c/c cross bar.

Name Mesh width c/c
AxB (mm)
Load bearing bar thickness T (mm) Load bearing bar heights
C (mm)
B9 12 x 100 3 20, 25, 30, 35, 40
N4 17 x 50 2 20, 25, 30, 35, 40
N4 17 x 50 3 20, 25, 30, 35
N6 17 x 75 2 20, 25, 30
N9 17 x 100 3 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50
D4 22 x 50 3 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50
D4 22 x 50 4 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 60
D4 22 x 50 5 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 60
D6 22 x 75 2 25
D6 22 x 75 3 20
F4 25 x 50 3 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50
F4 25 x 50 4 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 60, 70, 80
F4 25 x 50 5 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 60, 70, 80
H3 34 x 37 2 20, 25, 30, 35, 40
H3 34 x 37 3 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 45, 50
H3 34 x 37 4 30, 35, 40 45, 50, 60, 70, 80
H3 34 x 37 5 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 45, 50, 60, 70, 80
H4 34 x 50 2 20, 25, 30, 35, 40
H4 34 x 50 3 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50
H4 34 x 50 4 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 60, 70, 80
H4 34 x 50 5 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 60, 70, 80
H6 34 x 75 2 25, 30, 40
H6 34 x 75 3 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50
H9 34 x 100 3 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50
H9 34 x 100 4 30, 35, 40, 45, 50
H9 34 x 100 5 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 60
J9 41 x 100 3 20, 25, 30, 35
J9 41 x 100 4 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 60
J9 41 x 100 5 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 60
I6 66 x 75 3 20, 25, 30
I4 68 x 50 2 20
I9 100 x 100 3 20, 25, 30
Name Mesh width c/c
AxB (mm)
Load bearing bar thickness T (mm) Load bearing bar heights
C (mm)
N9-T 17 x 100 3 25, 30, 35, 40
H4-T 33 x 50 2 25
H4-T 33 x 50 3 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50
H4-T 33 x 50 4 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 60, 80
H4-T 33 x 50 5 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 60
F4-T 25 x 50 3 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50
F4-T 25 x 50 4 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 60
F4-T 25 x 50 5 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 60
H9-T 33 x 100 3 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50
H9-T 33 x 100 4 30, 35, 40, 45, 50
H9-T 33 x 100 5 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 60
J9-T 41 x 100 3 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50
J9-T 41 x 100 4 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 60
J9-T 41 x 100 5 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 60
HN9-T 35 x 100 3 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50
HN9-T 35 x 100 4 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50
JN9-T 41 x 100 3 25, 30, 35, 40
JN9-T 41 x 100 5 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 60
Name Mesh width c/c
AxB (mm)
Load bearing bar thickness T (mm) Load bearing bar heights
C (mm)
A22x22 22 x 22 2 20, 25, 30, 40, 50
A33x11 33 x 11 2 20, 25, 30, 40, 50

Construction dimensions with whole mesh widths

In the table, the construction dimensions in which the grating can be obtained (with full mesh) are set out.

Marked dimensions specify standard widths.

H also
for SS.
c/c 33
H also
for SS.
c/c 34

c/c 25

c/c 22

c/c 16

c/c 17

c/c 12
I4 20/2

c/c 68

c/c 41

c/c 41

c/c 35
1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 700 969 1000 1000 1000
966 962 973 972 982 983 685 898 957 955 961
933 927 949 950 966 965 672 830 914 915 926
900 893 923 928 >949 949 659 761 872 874 890
867 858 898 906 933 931 646 692 830 832 855
834 825 873 884 916 914 633 624 788 791 820
801 790 849 862 900 897 620 554 745 750 785
768 756 825 840 883 880 608 487 700 709 750
734 722 799 818 867 862 596 420 662 668 714
700 687 774 797 850 845 584 350 621 626 679
668 653 750 775 834 827 571 282 580 585 644
635 618 725 753 817 811 559 213 540 544 608
602 584 700 731 801 793 547 143 500 503 573
568 551 674 709 784 776 535 75 456 462 538
534 516 650 687 768 759 522   416 421 503
500 485 625 665 751


511   375 380 467
469 451 600 643 734 724 500   334 338 432
436 417 575 621 718 707 485   293 297 397
403 383 550 599 700 690 473   252 256 362
370 348 526 577 683 673 460   211 215 326
337 314 500 555 665 656 448   171 174 291
304 280 475 533 649 639 436   130 132 256
271 246 451 511 632 622 424   89 91 221
238 211 426 490 616 605 411   48 50 185
205 178 401 468 600 587 399       150
171 144 377 446 583 570 387       115
139 109 352 424 568 553 374       80
106 75 327 402 550 536 362       44
73 40 302 380


519 350        
40   278 358 518 502 338        
    253 336 500 486 326        
    228 314 483 469 313        
    204 292 465 452 301        
    179 270 449 435 289        
    154 248 433 418 276        
    130 226 416 400 264        
    105 204 400 383 252        
    81 182 383 366 240        
    56 160 367 349 228        
    32 139 351 332 215        
      117 334 315 203        
      95 318 298 191        
      73 302 280 178        
      51 285 262 166        
      29 269 246 154        
        252 229 142        
        236 212 130        


      220 195 117        
        203 178 105        


  187 160 93        
        171 143 80        


    154 126 68        
        137 109 56        
        122 92 44        
        105 74 31        
        89 57 19        


    72 40          
        56 23          

Opening area

By opening area, we mean the free dimension in the grating. A piece of information that often comes up in discussions about the transmission of light.

Name Mesh width Load bearing steel dim. Cross bar steel dim. Opening area %
B9 12 x 100 3 6.5 68.9
N4 17 x 50 2 5 77.8
N4 17 x 50 3 6.5 68.7
N6 17 x 75 2 4 82.6
N9 17 x 100 3 5 77.3
D4 22 x 50 3 6.5 73.2
D4 22 x 50 4 6.5 68.6
D4 22 x 50 5 6.5 64.0
F4 25 x 50 3 6.5 74.7
F4 25 x 50 4 6.5 70.6
F4 25 x 50 5 6.5 66.5
H3 34 x 37 2 4 83.2
H3 34 x 37 3 4 80.2
H3 33 x 37 4 6.5 70.1
H3 33 x 37 5 6.5 67.0
H4 34 x 50 2 5 83.8

33 x 50

3 5 80.7
H4 33 x 50 4 6.5 74.6
H4 33 x 50 5 6.5 71.5
H6 34 x 75 2 4 88.4
H6 34 x 75 3 5 83.7
H9 33 x 100 3 6.5 84.2
H9 33 x 100 4 6.5 81.1
H9 33 x 100 5 6.5 78.0
J9 41 x 100 3 6.5 86.0
J9 41 x 100 4 6.5 83.5
J9 41 x 100 5 6.5 81.0
I6 66 x 75 3 5 88.2
I9 100 x 100 3 6.5 90.2
Name Mesh width Load bearing steel dim. Cross bar steel dim. Opening area %
N9-T 16 x 100 3 5 77.3
H4-T 33 x 50 2 5 83.8
H4-T 33 x 50 3 5 80.7
H4-T 33 x 50 4 6.5 74.6
H4-T 33 x 50 5 6.5 71.5
F4-T 25 x 50 3 6.5 74.7
F4-T 25 x 50 4 6.5 70.6
F4-T 25 x 50 5 6.5 66.5
H9-T 33 x 100 3 6.5 84.2
H9-T 33 x 100 4 6.5 81.1
H9-T 33 x 100 5 6.5 78.0
J9-T 41 x 100 3 6.5 86.0
J9-T 41 x 100 4 6.5 83.5
J9-T 41 x 100 5 6.5 81.0
HN9-T 35 x 100 3 6.5 70.8
HN9-T 35 x 100 5 6.5 65.0
JN9-T 41 x 100 3 6.5 69.2
JN9-T 41 x 100 5 6.5 64.2
Name Mesh width Load bearing steel dim. Cross bar steel dim. Opening area %
A22x22 22 x 22 2 2 82.0
A33x11 33 x 11 2 2 76.0

Tolerances and Dimensions

Length & width dimensions

Our production is based on fixed tolerances for the length, width and diagonal dimensions. The tolerance is set to +0 / -4 mm.

Max. length of cross bar ends

Cross bar ends have a maximum protrusion of 2 mm.

Load bearing bar deflection

Maximum load bearing bar deflection is based on type.

For convex load bearing bar deflection, use span length through 150 (L/150) and a maximum of 8 mm.

For concave load bearing bar deflection, use span length through 200 (L/200) and a maximum of 8 mm.

Cross bar division

Our production is based on fixed tolerance for the cross bar division. The placing of the cross bars follows the specified mesh width with tolerances according to the diagram.

Ball proof requirements

In instances where the EU Safety of machinery 14122-2 applies to your environment, the choice of grating used must be preceded by a risk assessment.

In these instances , the following requirements apply:

  • The opening width of the grating used on work platforms or gangways must be narrow enough to prevent a 35 mm in diameter ball from passing through.
  • Grating that runs above a work site must, in contrast to temporary passageways, have openings that do not allow a ball measuring 20 mm in diameter to pass through.

20 mm
In order to satisfy the 20 mm ball proof requirement, we offer a plethora of different fine mesh grating models. The most popular grating model compliant with the 20 mm ball proof requirement is N6. However, B9, N6, N9, D4, D6, HN9-T, A22x22, and A33x11 variants are also follow in agreement.

35 mm
All our grating types, except for our large mesh gratings, are compliant with the 35 mm ball proof requirement. Out of these, the most popular and cost-effective options are the H3 and H6. In addition, 35 mm wide balls do not pass through grating with the following mesh widths – B9, N4, N6, N9, D4, D6, F4, H3, H6, H9, HN9-T, A22x22, and A33x11.


For fixing gratings, we off a number of different fixings. Both complete clamps consisting of top section, bottom section, bolt and nut or, alternatively, top section and fixing screw. For gratings trafficked by heavy vehicles, we also offer mounting lugs welded to the bottom of the grating’s mesh.


Each grating can be provided with a substantial identification tab with clear characters that refer to the layout drawing, which makes the assembly work easier. Frequently used for slightly larger projects.

Surface treatment

Hot dip galvanisation

The diagram shows the average service life for different thicknesses of zinc in different environments.

Treatment of stainless steel

Stainless steel grating is pickled in order to restore the material after welding.

Treatment of aluminium

Aluminium grating is pickled to attain a good surface finish.

Film Z-profile kerb angle frames assembly

Load tables

In our load tables, you will find conditions for all our grating types and a number of different load cases.
Calculations are made according to Eurocode. Specified pressure surfaces and loads are specified.

Our load tables can be found below, under Documentation.

Weights grating

For information on weights for our gratings for pedestrian traffic, vehicle traffic and full-size gratings, see documentation below.


Weights Grating

Load table Grating